Accessibility and Integrated Public Transport System Projects

Name and background of
applicant / developer
Garden Route District Municipality in collaboration with all district municipalities
Core focus sector Transport
Total project investment
Capitalisation estimate is ZAR15 billion over a period of 5-15 years
Sources of funding
Public and private
Project status Feasibility studies undertaken
Partnerships Local, provincial and national government. Garden Route District promotes all forms of partnerships. SMME / cooperatives opportunities (construction, security, cleaning, garden services, catering, transportation and logistics)
Full contact details of project lead GRDM Local Economic Development and Tourism
Richard Dyantyi
Proposed job creation
Over 110 000 permanent jobs to be generated; 180 000 ≤ temporary construction jobs
Opportunities for SMMEs

It is necessary to establish an affordable and accessible integrated transport system that provides linkages across municipal boundaries to ensure that regional access is resilient. The Garden Route Spatial Development Framework directs the GRD to ensure improved accessibility between the Klein Karoo and GRD, as well as within the GRDM by:

  • establishing a clear primary and secondary regional route hierarchy, role and investment priorities (N2 versus R62);
  • addressing connectivity between the coastal belt and inland areas; and
  • enabling physical accessibility to improve access to opportunity and services.

The GRD is part of the larger “coastal economy corridor” stretching between Richards Bay along the coast to Saldanha Bay and connecting a number of ports and Integrated Development Zones. The revival of rail transport in the region is seen as a priority. Railway infrastructure investments could be developed with the aim of strengthening this national corridor and a logical alternative to the escalating cost of road maintenance. This could be achieved by extending the rail line between Oudtshoorn – Klippaart and Port Elizabeth towards Richard’s Bay. The SEZ will bring rail transport forward in this region, especially if the rail can be used more for freight with the added benefit of tourism.

George is envisaged as the primary regional ACSA commercial airport. Oudtshoorn is envisaged to consolidate its role as a training airport, with prospects to serve as a freight airport in support of the new role envisaged for the R62. Mossel Bay serves as both a training airport and a local light aircraft tourism entry point.

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