ICT Smart Town Concept Project

Name and background of
applicant / developer
Local industry
Core focus sector Economy and business
Total project investment
ZAR1 million
Sources of funding
Government and private
Project status Pre-implementation
Partnerships Public-private partnership
Full contact details of project lead Fumanekile Makuyekwe, Project Coordinator: Trade and Investment Promotion Knysna Municipality, +27(0)44 302 6301 (switchboard) or +27(0)44 302 6388 (direct); fmakuyekwe@knysna.gov.za
Potential jobs created
100 jobs over two years

The ICT Smart Town concept encompasses an urban development vision that emphasizes the intelligent management of a town’s resources for the purpose of solving urban challenges. This begins with the roll-out of fibre optic infrastructure in Knysna and then to the rest of the district. This project will enable the development of business infrastructure, faster internet speeds and collaboration between different stakeholders, facilitating investment opportunities.