Still Bay Small Harbour Development

Name and background of
applicant / developer
Hessequa Municipality
Core focus sector Marine, tourism [hospitality & recreational facilities], light industries
Total project investment
ZAR150 million [VAT inclusive]
Sources of funding
Public, private or donor
Possible incentives available
Possible rebates on development contribution costs but still needs to be decided by Council
Project status The project proposal has been drafted and the Council decision to proceed with the development. A project management team will be appointed to facilitate the project.
Partnerships Department of Public Works, Department of Environmental Affairs and Development
Full contact details of project lead Hendrik Visser, +27 28 713 8000;
Potential jobs created
200 job opportunities during upgrade construction, 100 permanent jobs and 50 temporary job opportunities.

It includes the development of Still Bay Small Harbour infrastructure, investment in and upgrading of existing infrastructure, creation of local job opportunities, development of tourist attractions to broaden the tourism diversity and address seasonality and the creation of a business infrastructure/hub.

The development of the harbour has been earmarked as a flagship project by Hessequa Municipality and engagements have already started with the Department of Public Works. The project entails the integrated development of the harbour mainly focusing on fishing activities as well as developing the adjacent area into mixed-use residential and commercial development.

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Simila Prospectus